Protein Works Discount Codes


Up to 70% Off Payday Sale - Extra 15% Off Orders £60+

Use Code: SAVE

Offer expires 25/02/2025

Over 300 Million Shakes Sold!

There's a reason they're called 'the best shakes on the planet'.

Diet Meal Replacement Extreme

“It’s been life-changing for me. I’ve lost weight and told 7 family & friends who have now ordered! I can’t recommend enough. Best meal replacements I've ever had." – Sash




Super Greens Extreme

“It's easy to make, gives me energy and I feel awake and alert in the morning since taking i...Sam




Whey Protein 360 Extreme

“This is true next gen stuff guys, I’ve not tasted a better protein shake, great job!” Sam




Vegan Protein Extreme

“Hands down the best vegan protein I've tried. Love the choice of flavours and they all ...Taylor




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Protein Works Discount Codes FAQs

How do I use my Protein Works discount codes?

If you have a discount code for the Protein Works, simply enter the code into the 'Enter Discount Code' box in your basket and press 'Apply' Code. The value and description of your voucher code will be displayed in your basket and you can proceed to check out.

When you come to check out, you may notice that your current savings are shown in the basket overview next to "savings" . This is our automatic discount system doing its job.

If you have an extra code this is combinable with any sale discount, excluding deals of the day or other site promotions. Any savings from an influencer, extra or third-party codes will be shown in the basket on the line "Extra Discount Savings".

Why is my voucher code not working?

If your discount code is not working, you may need to check any T&C’s for the offer outlined in the above or via the small print on your marketing campaign. Please make sure you read the offer dates and details completely as we hate to have disappointed and frustrated customers. The voucher codes above links through to full details on each Protein Works offer. If your code is valid but you are still experiencing problems entering the code, please contact our Customer Service team via the Help Centre and they will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Do you offer any exclusive Protein Works student discounts?

We work in partnership with UNiDAYS & Student Beans to offer you great student discounts all year round using the platform you love.

So if you’re a UNiDAYS member, simply hit login below to unlock the latest discounts and if you’re part of the Student Beans crew, then no problem! You’re not missing out on discount because we’re mates with them too. Look us up on their site for the latest and greatest deals.

Do you partner with NHS? 

Yes, we do! If you're working for the services we've nurtured a great relationship with Blue Light Card. Log on there and you can get 45% off RRP.

Where can I find the best Protein Works discount codes?

We recommend signing up to our newsletter to be in the know with the latest offers, as well as health and nutritional advice, delicious recipes and exclusive access to new product innovations. Simply add your e-mail address to the sign up form below and join the Protein Works community today.

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